Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kracauer Questions

1. Three more phenomena that the camera is attracted to are as follows...
Explosions. In general every major action movie has numerous eye-opening explosions, fires, etc, especially in the new age of cgi and advanced special effects. It is impossible for a viewer to look away from a film when these films display these bright, flashing explosions over the entire screen. My favorite example would be the Transformers franchise and director Michael Bay. Both of the films contain an unnecessary amount of massive explosions. Let's face it, nobody goes to see these films for the spectacular acting performances, nor do they contain an Oscar-worthy plot. These films prove that people flock to pretty explosions regardless of the quality of acting.
"Pretty" people. It is no coincidence that all of the actors that have played James Bond have been goodlooking, suave Englishmen. It is also no coincidence that every single film in the series has at least one gorgeous woman for Bond to fall in love with, or at least walk out of the water in a bikini. In this era, almost every film has a highly attractive character, if they didn't, very few people would go to the movies.
Superstar actors. Somewhat along the lines of the last example, people flock to movies that contain the hottest actors in Hollywood. A movie could be made with Brad Pitt just sitting on a couch, silent for the whole movie, and still make a profit, I guarantee it.

2. I believe that Kracauer's ideas still make perfect sense in the present day. While the phenomena that he states are not as common in film anymore, i.e dancing, the concepts still prove true with the cgi technology in use today. If there is a silence, and then some sort of loud, or fast-moving scene on a film, the camera will always be attracted to it.

1 comment:

  1. Great point about "pretty people" Camera just can't avoid 'em!
