Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spike Lee's Do the RIght Thing: Territorial Struggle

1. The position and angle of the camera can be used to make the streets look smaller, and the characters look closer together. Mookie picks up the trash can and throws it through the window of the restaurant in one shot, signifying the closeness of the block. The street represents a barrier because of the Italian restaurant on one side and the Korean market on the other. Without the movie telling you, it is easy to tell that the day of the events is extremely hot due to the use of the camera.
2. There is a distinct barrier between the Sal and his sons, the Korean family, and the black people who live in the neighborhood. This is due to the fact that the two families each control a section in the neighborhood. While the black characers dislike the way that the institutions are run, they are a big part of their lives that they cannot do without. The way Sal and the owners of the store are treated and treat others prove the dislike of the different races towards each other.

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